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Sleep better & breathe easier with a Healthy Home

Electromagnetic Radiation Assessments
- On-site assessments detect AC electric fields, AC magnetic fields, radio frequency radiation and dirty electricity.
- Minimize EMF exposure in areas where you spend most of your time.
- We also provide DIY kits for the savvy homeowner that wants to take the initiative of testing their own homes.

Indoor Air Quality Testing
- On-site mold assessments include a comprehensive visual inspection, infra-red camera and moisture meters to detect water-damage.
- Certified lab tests and DIY kits to detect mold & mycotoxins.
- On-site testing for harmful volatile organic compounds (VOCs) including formaldehyde.

Sleep Sanctuary & Nursery Planning
- Sleep Sanctuary consultations help you and your little ones avoid harmful exposures while you sleep.
- Explore non-toxic alternatives to building materials and learn how to reduce EMF exposure. Critical for anyone suffering from insomnia, asthma, headaches, compromised immune system and environmentally sensitivities.

New Home Assessment
- Pre-purchase/pre-rent assessments
Know which environmental toxins are lurking before you commit - Your real estate agent
My environmental sensitivities helps me guide you to find your healthy home - Property management
Ensure your home is in good hands while you are away for the season

Are you at risk?
ou look healthy on the outside but on the inside you are falling apart. When you see a doctor, your tests come back normal… yet your health deteriorates with no known cause.
Our home environments are our largest investment and should be our sanctuary where we come home to every day to relax and restore, however, we rarely look to our indoor home environments as a trigger to our health issues. Is your home making you ill?
You can’t see it or smell it…
ireless technology is now being referred to as the smoking of the 50’s and the asbestos of the 60’s. There are quite a few countries around the world that are acknowledging that wireless technology (Wi-Fi) contributes to poor health, yet very few people in North America recognize this fact.
It is only when people begin having health issues such as severe headaches, nausea and extreme fatigue that they begin their research how their use of wireless technology may be affecting their health.
Wi-fi routers emit radiofrequency continuously.
Children are our future, yet no one is paying attention to the danger posed by Wi-Fi exposure. Ninety percent of schools have installed Wi-Fi, and teach students through the use of tablets, however last year, France removed Wi-Fi from schools and nurseries. Why? France pays for healthcare for their citizens, and recognizes the problems that constant exposure to Wi-Fi can create.

Featured Videos
Are you being affected by Toxic Mold?
Effects of EMF on Child Development

Meet Paula Schofield
aula Schofield, founder of Healthy Home Sanctuary, is a Certified Building Biology Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist (EMRS) and a Council-Certified Structural Mold Investigator (ACAC) based in Palm Desert, CA.
Paula’s passion is to bring awareness and empower people on how their indoor home environments play an essential role in their own health and wellness.

Paula’s mission is to rid your family’s home of environmental toxins in order to promote healthier living, working, and sleeping.
Paula’s path to becoming Certified as a Building Biologist and Structural Mold Inspector began with a personal experience in 2012 that resulted in illness from exposures to mold, mycotoxins and high concentrations of formaldehyde while living in a beautiful but water-damaged custom home.
During that time she had the opportunity to hire and learn from many leading experts in the environmental field. This experience struck a passion in her to extensively research the effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), mold, and mycotoxins on human health.
Paula believes that it is essential to minimize EMR exposures along with mold toxins in your home in order to protect your health.
Paula is a Licensed Realtor in the State of California and an Interior Designer with over 18 years experience. She can use this experience to help her clients purchase and design a healthy home sanctuary. Paula holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Toronto.
We will work with you to create a safe & healthy home sanctuary that will support your physical health and wellbeing.
Our services include…
- Indoor Air Quality Assessments: Visual inspection to identify and measure potential sources for mold and mycotoxins with the use of accredited laboratories and state of the art sampling protocols
- On-site and Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Kits: Includes phone consultations to walk you through the testing protocol and to discuss the best solutions on the issues identified.
- Electromagnetic (EMF/EMR) Assessments: With the use of sophisticated scientific meters, we measure and quantify Radio Frequency (RF) radiation, AC electric fields and AC magnetic fields
- Sleep Sanctuary and Nursery Planning: We help you and your little ones avoid harmful exposures while sleeping so your body can rest, restore and heal
- Real Estate Assessments: Pre-purchase/pre-rent inspections